Comprehensive Venue Scenting Solutions

NASO provides comprehensive scenting solutions tailored to enhance the sensory experience of your space. From intimate gatherings to large venues, our signature fragrances create an immersive environment that leaves a lasting impression.

Our Scent Selection

Introducing Our Signature Green Unisex Fragrances

Light Fragrances
• Gardenia Marigold
• Basil Infused In Sambac
• Blackcurrant Infused In Lilac
• Tamarind Infused In Bergamot
• Lemon Infused In Mint & Rose
• Palo Santo E Limoncello

Dark Fragrances
• Tabac
• Saffron Infused In Musk & Amber
• Sarawak Mazzo
• Pepper Infused In Wood
• Mud Oud

Benefits Of Venue Scenting With NASO

Discover The NASO Advantage

1. Green & Natural

Chemical-free fragrances.

2. Versatility With Customisations

Tailor scents as per venue, preference, or event brief seamlessly.

3. Unique & Unisex Scents

Distinctive fragrances for a one-of-a-kind experience that appeal to a diverse audience.

4. Expert Consultation

Our team guides you in selecting the perfect scents or altering scents as per your needs.

5. Strategic Placement

Our team will identify key areas for scent placement, ensuring a balanced distribution to avoid overpowering any specific spot.

Events Scented By NASO